Биология - Смит, Александр Хэнчетт - Основные научные публикации

08 февраля 2011

1. Смит, Александр Хэнчетт
2. Основные научные публикации

Александр Смит написал более 200 книг и статей по микологии.

Популярные книги
  • Common edible and poisonous mushrooms of southeastern Michigan.
  • Mushrooms in Their Natural Habitats.
  • Puffballs and their allies in Michigan.
  • The Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide.
  • Keys to genera of higher fungi.
  • How to Know the Non-Gilled Fleshy Fungi.
  • A field guide to western mushrooms.
  • How to Know the Gilled Fungi.
  • A field guide to southern mushrooms.
Научные монографии
  • North American species of Mycena.
  • North American species of Hygrophorus.
  • A monograph on the genus Galerina Earle.
  • Contribution toward a monograph of North American species of Suillus.
  • North American species of Crepidotus.
  • The North American species of Pholiota.
  • The boletes of Michigan.
  • The North American species of Psathyrella.
  • North American species of Lactarius.
  • The veiled species of Hebeloma in the western United States.

Просмотров: 8652

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