Биология - Клементс, Фредерик - Названы в честь Клементса

09 февраля 2011

1. Клементс, Фредерик
2. Названы в честь Клементса

Клементсия, род растений семейства Толстянковые, названа в честь Клементса и его жены, Эдит Клементс.

Печатные труды

  • Clements F.E., Pound N.R. The Phytogeography of Nebraska, 1898
  • Clements F.E. Histogenesis of Caryophyllales, 1899 
  • Clements F.E. Greek and Latin in Biological Nomenclature, 1902 
  • Clements F.E. Herbaria Formationum Coloradensium, 1902 
  • Clements F.E. Development and Structure of Vegetation, 1904 
  • Clements F.E. Research Methods in Ecology. Lincoln, Neb.: Univ. Publ., 1905 
  • Clements F.E. Plant Physiology and Ecology, 1907 
  • Clements F.E. Cryptogamae Formationum Coloradensium, 1908 
  • Clements F.E. Minnesota Mushrooms, 1910 
  • Clements F.E., Clements E.S. Rocky Mountain Flowers, 1913 
  • Clements F.E. Plant Succession, 1916 
  • Clements F.E. Plant succession; an analysis of the development of vegetation. // Publ. Carnegie Institution of Washington. № 242. Washington, 1916 
  • Clements F.E. Plant Indicators, 1920 
  • Clements F.E. Aeration and Air-Content, 1921 
  • Clements F.E., Hall H.M. The Phylogenetic Method in Taxonomy, 1923 
  • Clements F.E., Long F.L. Experimental pollination; an outline of the ecology of flowers and insects, 1923 
  • Clements F.E., Weaver J.E. Experimental Vegetation, 1924 
  • Clements F.E., Goldsmith G.W. The phytometer method in ecology; the plant and community as instruments, 1924 
  • Clements F.E. Plant Succession and Indicators, 1928 
  • Clements F.E., Clements E.S. Flower Families and Ancestors, 1928 
  • Clements F.E., Weaver J.E. Plant Ecology, 1929 
  • Clements F.E., Shear C.L. The Genera of Fungi, 1931 
  • Clements F.E. Experimental ecology in the public service // Ecology. 1935. Vol. 16. P. 342–363 
  • Clements F.E. Nature and structure of the climax // Journal of Ecology. 1936. Vol. 24, № 1. P. 252–284 
  • Dynamics of vegetation; selections from the writings of Frederic E. Clements / Compilled and edited by B.W. Allred and E.S. Clements. NY: H.W. Wilson, 1949 
  • Clements F.E., Shelford V.E. Bio-ecology. – NY: John Wiley ; L: Chapman and Hall, 1939 

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