Биология - Снелл, Уолтер Генри - Основные научные публикации
09 февраля 2011Оглавление:
1. Снелл, Уолтер Генри
2. Основные научные публикации
- Dick, E.A.; Snell, W.H.. Notes on boletes. XIII. Mycologia 52: 444-454.
- Dick, E.A.; Snell, W.H.. Notes on boletes. XV. Mycologia 57: 448-458.
- Gentile, A.C.; Snell, W.H.. Development of the carpophore of Boletinus paluster. Mycologia 45: 720-722, 1 fig.
- Singer, R.; Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. The genus Fuscoboletinus. Mycologia 55: 352-357.
- Slipp, A.W.; Snell, W.H.. Taxonomic-ecologic studies of the Boletaceae in northern Idaho and adjacent Washington. Lloydia 7: 1-16, 8 pls.
- Snell, W.H.. A new Septobasidium on Pinus strobus. Mycologia 14: 55-60.
- Snell, W.H.. Tree diseases in New York and New England. Plant Disease Reporter 15: 91.
- Snell, W.H.. Notes on boletes. V. Mycologia 28: 463-475.
- Snell, W.H.. Mycological Society of America. Fungi collected at the 1941 foray. Mycologia 35: 658-666.
- Snell, W.H.. Notes on the pileate hydnums. Mycologia 37: 46-52.
- Snell, W.H.. Notes on boletes. VII. Mycologia 37: 374-388, 1 fig.
- Snell, W.H.. Samuel Chester Damon II. Mycologia 45: 469-473, portrait.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. Notes on Boletes. VI. Mycologia 33: 23-37.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. Two phalloids from Rhode Island. Mycologia 44: 150-151.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. The Curtis collection at Brown University. Mycologia 45: 968-970.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. Notes on boletes. IX. Mycologia 48: 302-310.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. An unusual phalloid from Massachusetts. Mycologia 48: 327.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. A Glossary of Mycology. 171 pp., 15 figs. USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge; Harvard University Press.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. Notes on pileate hydnums. V. Lloydia 25: 160-163.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.. Notes on boletes. XIV. Mycologia 53: 228-236.
- Snell, W.H.; Dick, E.A.; Jackson, H.A.C.; Taussig, M.. Notes on the pileate hydnums. III. Lloydia 19: 163-175, 2 figs.
- Snell, W.H.; et al.. Notes on boletes. VIII. Mycologia 43: 359-364.
- Snell, W.H.; Jackson, H.A.C.. Notes on the pileate hydnums. Lloydia 17: 247-255, 4 figs.
- Snell, W.H.; Jackson, H.A.C.. Notes on the pileate hydnums. II. Lloydia 17: 247-255, illus.
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